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08 October 2024

Revolutionise Your Marketing Arsenal – Unleash the Power Within!

Cliff Quicksell, CSP, MAS+, MASI
Cliff Quicksell Associates / QuicksellSpeaks

Are you ready to catapult your business to unprecedented heights? Picture this: transforming your sales, skyrocketing your profitability, and leaving your competitors scratching their head, wondering how did they do that? Now, I’m not talking about wishful thinking – NO, I’m talking about a game changing reality if you choose to embrace it!

In the electrifying world of promotional marketing, opportunities are endless, yet many fail to seize them. Now is the time to break free from the mundane and embrace a mindset shift that leads to unstoppable success. Commitment, dedication, and focus are the names of the game!

Our industry is rich with tools just waiting to be harnessed, you can witness this with one lap at one of our major shows.  It is time to stop overlooking these opportunities that are staring you in the face.  Our suppliers offer some of the richest and innovative products, we need to take these products and elevate what we do with these products. In a frenzy to close deals, we are often blinded to the opportunities and to the untapped potential right in front of us.  The question remains, are you willing to embrace the wisdom in this article to alter the trajectory of your business?

Gone are the days of simply selling “stuff” and hoping for reorders. It’s time to crush that monotonous cycle and think differently. We attend shows, buy into a ‘self- promotions, only to have it sit in our sample closet and collect dust. When and if we send these samples out, we hope and pray someone will purchase – hope and pray are not marketing strategies.  Let’s be real, this rarely happens, instead, we find ourselves in a slippery-slope spiral of price wars fueled by internet finds. Now is your time to break away from this destructive pattern.

I’m not suggesting you abandon self-promotion items altogether, I am however, urging you to elevate ‘HOW’ you elevate them.  Imagine taking the self-promo item, infusing it with creativity and a compelling call to action, and use it to not only attract new clients, but deepen relationships with existing ones. Curious? intrigued? You should be!

I used to be a product pusher (yes I was), trapped in a cycle of average sales and low margins.  But I discovered a different philosophy – marketing now is about creating opportunities, fueling your business to unprecedented heights. If you’re hungry for growth, better clients, and a new direction, I have the answer!

Now, brace yourself to an extraordinary way of thinking. Forget the traditional, embrace the exceptional. Next are a couple of creative self-promotion case histories designed for clients just like you – individuals who dared to break free from the ordinary. 


 “A New View on Creative Marketing” -  this dimensional piece redefined innovation, an old-school viewfinder, reel, and four-color book describing each creative case history on the reel. The outcome: A distributor trying to penetrate an account for nearly a year, boasted an initial appointment with a $25,000.00 order a significant gross profit, nearly 15% higher than the industry average.



“Make it a Home Run with KMK Promotions” – the goal was to devise a compelling marketing strategy to schedule appointments for further discussion, aiming for a 25% appointment rate. Leveraging their teams 65% successful close ratio, we sought the chance to showcase their capabilities. The themed campaign, Make it a Home Run with KMK” empowered prospects as decision makers, letting them “make the call” on collaboration. Custom baseball graphics, plus signed baseballs with the salesperson’s tenure, and engaging copy highlighted their seasoned, well-equipped team. Baseball cards featuring team members in themed attire, boasting their stats, and years with the company enhanced engagement dramatically.  This innovative approach yielded 79 prospect conversations, a 67.4% new client acquisition (52 new clients), at a $86.54 client acquisition cost – a remarkably successful campaign showcasing the team’s prowess and the explosive use of engagement marketing.

These campaigns may seem like Herculean tasks, but by partnering and leveraging the talent of the right suppliers and thinking creatively will unveil incredible possibilities. I've done it, and I've guided countless others to do the same and you can too.

So, here's my challenge for you: absorb this information, envision the possibilities, and become the trusted marketing adviser you are meant to be. It's time to step out of the shadows of mere product pushing and into the spotlight of paid creativity.

As always, Continued Good Selling!


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